Gift ideas for dad that loves the outdoors can be a head spinner. In our mighty family, there is always new gear that we want to try. Somehow it all feels like its very needed :-). Another thing that is always a problem is what to gift to Jens, the outdoors dad in our family.
Im assuming that since you are here now, its time to think about what gift you want to give to your outdoors dad. The man that has everything.
I bet he could use some more outdoor equipment.
Maybe you would love to give him a gift that is also good for the kids, you can have a look at our list of outdoor gear for toddlers here.
Here are our suggestions for that perfect gift for the perfect father who loves the outdoors.

Gift ideas for dad that loves the outdoors.
Lets face it when we talk gift ideas for the dad that loves the outdoors – we are also talking about outdoor gear. Outdoor gear is the perfect gift as it is often to expensive to invest in just for fun, and it is truly something the dad in your life will appreciate and use for himself. And honestly – the boy that is still inside will love new gear! Not to mention that it makes the giver look fantastic as you have though about their needs and their comfort on their next outdoor trip!
The inflatable lounger.
How cool is this inflatable hamock type thing. Just fill it with air and it’s the perfect place to sit around and enjoy the great outdoors. It takes no time at all to fill it and you dont need a punp. Its inflated by swinging it around in the air a few times. Super easy, and SO comfortable!
 Solar charged lamp
It can be so dark to come back to the campsite at night. With these super cool solar powered lamps you can have lights on in your campsite without having to worry about electricity.
This is the perfect gift of the dad that loves to light up a campsite but also loves to camp off grid.
Waterproof socks
I know it seems almost too good to be true but these socks are completely waterproof. They will keep your feet dry all day long. This sounds amazing and it’s definitely a must have for the outdoors dad. Especially if you have kids that like to drop things into waterstreams and then cry about getting them back out (Of course Im not looking at anyone in particular on this *whistles inosently!*)
Heat resilient gloves
Who wouldn’t want to be the amazing super dad that reaches into the fire and grabs a log that is still on fire! These gloves will help you do that.
Frequently used points on reviews on these mention that they are easy to clean. They work great as a gift, and that they are comfortable to use.
Multi tool knife
As a dad you want to be able to get out of any situation. This multi tool knife will help you do whatever you need to have done. You can use it as a knife, as sissors, as a bottle opener and so much more. Its many tools in one, so you only need to carry one thing.
One of the great things about the outdoors is the peace and quiet. But lets face it. If we cannot be updated on the latest and greatest on our phone (be that weather apps or maps) it can be hard to keep things running smoothly… Heck weve even used an episode of something disney to keep the mood up on a rainy day. That all takes energy. If you are off grid that can be a problem – but not if you have one of these fantastic waterproof solar battery chargers 🙂
That was some ideas for you. There are some really great things in this list, but remember that often a drawing is another good idea for a gift!
What are you getting your outdoors dad this year?
Until next time
Read all of our posts about the outdoors

That sounds amazing! Best of luck with it!
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